Sunday, April 14, 2013

Assessing the Damage

Friday found me travelling to the University once again, this time to have another three month evaluation of how I am doing in the areas of aerobic fitness, strength and flexibility for the BEAUTY program. I really had to talk myself into going as I knew that my results were not going to be great and 'I am the type of person who' likes to 'ace' my tests. Once again, I used Robin's 'it is what it is' motto and told myself that no matter what the results, it would be good for me to know and I would be helping with research. It's hard to change what you don't acknowledge.

I really like the facilitator for the program, it felt like catching up with a good friend when I got there. She was totally non-judgmental and very supportive as we went through the various measurements and tests.  Tamoxifen is not helping in the weight department but apparently I grew almost an inch in height ;). Core strength is down but not the strength in my arms and legs; better get doing some sit-ups. Flexibility took a beating since last time, once again, Tamoxifen and it's effects on the joints seems to be the culprit - I will have to work on my stretching to see if I can outwit it. I think what surprised me the most was my treadmill test. I actually did better on it than the last assessment three months ago and almost as well as I had done on the first assessment, which was at the beginning of chemo. Those treadmill sessions are paying off! She did have to stop me when my heartrate went over the max that had been calculated for me but I felt that I could have continued and that was a nice feeling.

The rest of the weekend has been fairly quiet. Rod went to Grandpa York's funeral in Saskatchewan with our friend Mark so Kenny and I were on our own. I was complaining via text to Rod this morning that the room service was really poor the last couple of days ;).

I continue to gradually work on my decluttering projects - most recently I have taken the top four areas that are bothering me and committed to spending at least 15 minutes a day on each area. It is surprising what can be done in just 15 minutes and it can motivate me to spend more time.

Tomorrow I have my oncologist appointment at 0800 so it will be an early morning with no room service once again. I will find out the results of the MUGA scan when I meet with her, if all is well, I will be booked for the next 4 Herceptin treatments to be followed by yet another MUGA. I am close to halfway through the Herceptin. I am going to make a list this evening of all the things I would like to discuss with the oncologist as the visits are usually brief and half the time my mind goes blank when she enters the room.

So that's it, not very exciting, but 'it is what it is' ;)

Take care everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Life is life. Жизнь есть жизнь.
    Keep working at the physical fitness stuff. You will be fine.
