Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore ...

That's how I was feeling while I was at the medical oncologist's appointment this afternoon.
This is a whole new world that I have entered.
I liked both the oncologist and the nurse that works closely with her, turns out the nurse lives not too far from us in our neighbourhood.
I was asked to fill out some forms when we arrived for the appointment and then the nurse did my height, weight and vital signs followed by a thorough history. After this she went and reviewed everything with the oncologist prior to the oncologist coming to speak with me.
The oncologist introduced herself and asked her own questions followed by an examination.
Then she sat down with us and went over the pathology and the proposed treatment plan. Apparently, there is a 50% chance of recurrence without any treatment. With the recommended treatment the possibility of recurrence drops to 15%.
Recommended treatment starts with chemo. They had initially set me up to start the week of August 7th but when they were told of my vacation plans, this has now been changed to August 13th. Prior to that I need to have a couple of scans and there is a possibility that I will have a port inserted before going away on vacation; if not they will try to get me in on August 13th for this.
I will also be scheduled to see the radiation oncologist for a consult, as well as a genetic oncologist.
At the moment, chemo will involve 3 cycles (one cycle every three weeks) of one 'cocktail', followed by three of another cocktail, chased with an additional 14 three week cycles of just one of the medications. They are going to do one more check of the surgical pathology so this could change after the initial three cycles.
I was given requisitions for the scans as well as one for labwork required just before the port insertion in addition to prescriptions for all the side effect medications and one for a wig. Yes, these are the types of chemo meds that cause the hair to 'release', usually starting at two weeks after the first cycle.
I plan to take one day at a time through all of this, it is too much to think about all at once and it is not necessary to try to.
I will also plan to thoroughly enjoy my week away and time with my grandchildren (and their parents ;) during that week. It will be very good to get away!
Once back, I think I will sign up for a few more on-line courses towards my business analyst certificate, that way I can work on them as I am able, possibly working ahead on the in-between chemo weeks and taking it easier on the chemo weeks.
Not very funny or witty today but I am OK ;)

Take care

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