Thursday, June 6, 2013

It could be worse

I thought I should catch you up on some of my activities during the last week.

The birthday lunch for Ev's birthday was wonderful. We both splurged and had a lobster and shrimp combo plate, substituting extra vegetables for the rice. The service was excellent and when we went to go Ev asked for a container to put the rest of her meal in. The waitress added a couple of the cheese biscuits to the container for her as a treat, knowing it was her birthday and that she had liked the biscuits.

We drove out to see my Mom after that and talked all the way there and back. It was a wonderful time, there are certainly worse ways to spend an afternoon ;)

At my Herceptin treatment later that afternoon I was thankful to be taken in early rather than the usual late for my appointment. The nurse I had was funny - she kept using the word cute to describe my shoes, hair and jacket. It is a word I have tried to get away from all my life but it appears that I am destined to have it attached to me and/or my apparel. The story behind that is that when we were growing up people would stop and comment to my sister how beautiful or pretty she was and then, as an aside, they would turn to me and say 'you are cute, too.' Could be worse.

I was also thankful for my port after having them access it, infuse the Herceptin and the flush solution and then disconnect the needle, all while a total of six nurses had no success yet in accessing the port of the lady beside me over a longer period than my whole treatment. She told me they always have trouble with hers. So, in spite of the fact that I will be most grateful to get rid of my port, it could be worse.

This week I spent a fair amount of time in my garden and I am liking how it is looking, almost like there is a plan ;) I even managed to get Kenny out to admire my handiwork yesterday and without being elicited he made the comment that the other night when he walked into the yard after dark and all the solar lights were lit up it looked quite beautiful. When I think of what a great kid he is and wonderful he has been throughout this year, I think to myself that it could be worse.

Today I had a watercolor for fun class at Wellspring. While I am very much a beginner I enjoyed the class and tried not to compare my work to some of the others in the class who had obviously had more experience with watercolor. I think I may have a new hobby and when I look at how expensive some other hobbies I could have taken up can be I realize that the cost of this one could be worse.

After the class I went to see Mom again and we got a few paperwork things out of the way. I unintentionally nicked a bit of her toe instead of her toenail when I was trimming it and I felt very bad. With elderly people especially it is important to be very careful to not let their feet become infected. A cut or break in the skin then is not ideal and it bothered me. She seemed to take it in stride, telling me it could be worse.

Tomorrow I will get some housework done and have lunch with Liz. We are having a barbecue after church on Sunday to honor the new grads, I have a little work to do to prepare for that between now and then.

So, that's a synopsis of the last week. I am thankful. It sure could be worse.

Take care everyone.

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