Monday, June 18, 2012

Getting closer

As I get closer to my appointment day it is getting harder and harder. Sometimes I tell myself that everything will be absolutely fine and that I must have mis-read everything that was done and said to me and then the next minute I am thinking of the what if's as in what if I have to have chemotherapy - will they recommend it before or after surgery; what about radiation and so on. I also find it difficult when people are asking me to make commitments for two or three weeks from now when I feel as if my life may be totally different in two weeks time.
I wonder if it would be easier to just tell everyone at work all at once in our monthly team meeting on Friday or if that is fair to them and maybe I should just keep it to myself and try to keep acting as if everything is normal. I dread telling my family members.
Maybe I won't have to. Wednesday afternoon cannot come soon enough.

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