Saturday, March 9, 2013


I think I must be starting to glow in the dark. ;)

Yesterday when I went for my radiation treatment I was lying on the table and the two RT's in the room were peering closely at my chest, first of all looking for my tattoos to ensure I was positioned properly and then to see how my skin was holding up. I still find that a little discomfitting. The one RT said that I was beginning to tan. I told him that my husband referred to my treatments as 'catching some rays'. He laughed and said that he hadn't heard them referred to like that before and then stated 'You are radiant'. I told him I had never been referred to like that before, it reminded me of Charlotte's Web and her attempts to save Wilbur, one effort was by weaving the words 'Radiant Pig' into her web.

Yesterday and today have been beautifully sunny days and there is lots of snow on the mountains. I drove out to visit my Mom this afternoon and the best way that I could describe the sun shining off the snow on the mountains is 'radiant'.

Today's reading in Jesus Calling by Sarah Young seems appropriate to share, given the theme -

Rest in My radiant Presence. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur. Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in union with Me. Return to this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is where you are energized: filled with My Love, Joy, and Peace.

The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance. Instead, come to Me. Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power. When you find your completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them to meet your own needs. Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others. Galatians 5:22, 1 John 4:12.

Naptime, need some re-energizing ;)

Take care, everyone.

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