Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Can It Get Any Better Than This?

That is the question I asked myself around this time last year, before I found the lump. I had never felt better, life was good and I felt extremely blessed.
Funny then, that after everything that has transpired in my life during the year since then that I once again found myself asking the same question today and it had nothing to do with how I felt physically but everything to do with how much richer and even more blessed I feel today because of the lessons I have learned in the past year and the relationships that have been built and strengthened.
The last few days have once again been busy ones with a trip to Cranbrook after a special invitation to Keiran's third birthday party. When we arrived on Friday evening the kids had already gone to bed. We heard a small voice calling for his mother and when she went to see what he wanted he asked if we had arrived. She told him we had and asked if he wanted to come out of his room and say good night to us.
The answer was "No, I want to come out and tell them that I am three now!".
He walked into the living room with his blue 'airplane' pajamas on and stood before us for our inspection.
Keiran - "I am a three year old now!"
Grandma Laura - "I knew the minute I saw you that there was something different about you. That must be it!"
With that Keiran smiled broadly, gave us each a hug and went to bed, to dream about the 'chocolate train cake' birthday party that Leah had planned for him.
The party was a huge success, complete with a railway crossing sign, train tracks on the sidewalk and grass leading the way into a backyard of fun. A train had been constructed of appliance boxes and the kids were given paints and paintbrushes to decorate them to their heart's content. There was also a battery powered car, a trampoline, a toy lawn mower and a backyard playset to occupy the partygoers.

  At the end of the day, I had the privilege of putting Keiran to bed, reading with him, singing a few of his favorite songs and then having him recite his verse for me. The verse was Proverbs 16:24 NLT - Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
I thought about those words for a while afterwards and realized that kind words provide the same benefit for the provider of those words as well as the recipient. The next morning the first thing Keiran did when he saw me was give me a hug and say "I am so glad that you are still here this morning". I had told Robin that I was going to see my grandchildren for the weekend and that it would be good medicine for me. Those kind words from Keiran on Sunday morning added 'sweetness to my soul and health to my body'.

Sunday afternoon found us back in Calgary and attending the Stars on Ice show that Caleb and Leisha had provided me tickets for as a birthday gift. The show had a theme of umbrellas and rain. The highlight of the show for me was Kurt Browning skating his 'Singing in the Rain' routine. It was perfection and he received a well deserved standing ovation following his skate. I could not help grinning ear to ear throughout his performance and for a long while afterwards. I told Rod that was one more thing I could check off my bucket list - seeing Kurt do that routine in person. Rod's quick response was that Kurt could now check performing it for 'me' off his bucket list. Gotta love my husband!

Yesterday was a couple of meetings at work in the morning (another excuse for me to see my lovely co-workers), a quick Costco trip, followed by tea and talk with Norman  (read 'and brownies' :) and then my BCSCF appointment where I received the equivalent of a gold star for my homework on stress management.

Today Ev came over and we went together to take 'our' Mom out to see our other Mom. Mom B had a wonderful tea set out for us complete with angel food cake, real whipped cream and strawberries. We had such a good visit, to be treasured in our memories for sure.

On arriving home the recliner pulled me in, aching from head to foot and exhausted but smiling widely and asking myself the question 'Can life get any better than this?' Tomorrow will definitely be a day to recuperate (and submit the Performance Review that is due at noon sharp ;).

If I had been told a year ago what the next year would hold and then how I would feel I would never have believed that I would be sitting and saying that to myself and actually meaning it.

My reading from 'Jesus Calling' today seems to sum up much of what I have been learning throughout this year -

If you learn to trust Me - really trust Me - with your whole being, then nothing can separate you from My Peace. everything you endure can be put to good use by allowing it to train you in trusting Me...
Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter.

Life is good and I am extremely blessed!

Take care everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I am also blessed reading your post. Lots of love and even more blessings to you.
