Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Garden Days

The last couple of days have been quiet, mostly around the house days which I have enjoyed. I have not heard anything about an MRI appointment yet and I don't think that I will be holding my breath waiting. It has been nice just to dig in my garden in a very relaxed manner, taking small breaks when needed and longer breaks when the rain dictates them. I am quite pleased with how it is taking shape, now I just need the plants to like the locations I have placed them in.

Monday was a busy day with a few hours at work, then Costco, lunch, tea with Norman and my BCSCF appointment. They want to step up the appointments there to once weekly for the next four weeks to ensure that everything is in place for my return to work.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to a birthday lunch for Ev followed by the two of us driving out for a visit with Mom. Then I have Herceptin late afternoon so some more quiet garden days sound like just the thing afterwards.

As a progress report - My hair seems to get curlier the longer it gets, it definitely has a mind of it's own so I pretty well let it do what it likes. My nails seem to be getting stronger and looking closer to their pre-chemo state. My hands themselves are strange, the ends of the fingers feel numb but the finger joints themselves feel like I would imagine arthritis feels like. My back and ribs continue to give me grief but I promise I will stop complaining (I read over the last several posts and it was a pretty repetitive theme ;) I have been given a med for neuropathy to see if it helps and I also have a sleeping pill that was prescribed for me, I have yet to take either. As I review the side effects of each of them I begin to wonder if I am better off with 'the devil I know'.  Back when I first began working as a nurse in Emergency one of the doctors there jokingly advised me to 'stay away from doctors'. I'm beginning to think he may have been right. ;)

Time may eventually turn out to be the best doctor - that and my garden. Maybe one of the side effects of the chemo will be a green thumb? I can hope ;)

Take care everyone.

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