Thursday, May 23, 2013


Yesterday was a full day with Kenny's grad. Everything was lovely but a very tiring day.
We had to have Kenny to the venue the ceremonies were being held at by 0800 a.m. which proved to be a bit of a challenge with rush hour and parking to get through first. We did make it close to 0800. Once there Kenny joined his friends and we found ourselves some seats. Without planning it I was beside a seat that stayed empty throughout the ceremonies which was wonderful as it gave me more room to change my position as needed and helped me to be able to sit through the ceremonies.

Kenny and I took a break at home after the ceremonies while Rod went and checked out how things were going at the shop. He then picked up the corsage for Kenny's date and came home where we all changed for the evening banquet, then drove to Kenny's dates' house where pictures were being taken of the grads. There was a very long limousine waiting at the house to take the grads to the banquet and there was a beautiful spread of food on the table. Once the grads left, we stayed and visited with Kenny's dates' parents. Very relaxed and nice to get to know them since apparently Kenny and her have been going out for four months. I can't accuse Kenny of being over communicative ;).

Traffic and parking were easier for Rod and I for the banquet but where we parked ended up being a long distance from the banquet hall and the walk took it's toll on my back. The grad committee had worked very hard on all the details of the evening and it was wonderful. I made it to 9 o'clock but probably should have left sooner than that. Nine was about when the dance started.

Kenny was home just after three a.m. and I have to admit I slept better after that. This a.m. I took it very easy all morning before going out to see my Mom and return and collect laundry. I showed her the grad pictures and then she needed to get to knitting club. It's nice to see her settling in more as she is there longer.

Wade and Gayle dropped over this evening and time has gone very quickly.

Last Friday, the morning after my bone scan, I received a phone call telling me I had an appointment with my oncologist this Friday, May 24th at 1030 a.m. So tomorrow morning I'll stop at Rod's shop and pick him up before the appointment. It's been both a long week since that phone call and yet a short one with all the busyness of grad and the long weekend.

Take care, everyone

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