Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Getting back

It is definitely beginning to get nice and green outside. Amazing how the trees and shrubs seem to leaf out overnight. I was driving along the boulevard leading to our house this afternoon after an appointment and everything looked so beautiful and fresh. The bulbs I planted a few months ago are ready to be planted, I am just being a little cautious and waiting until after the long weekend. I've also managed to accumulate several more plants on my weekly Costco trips to fill in the places in our yard that have been patiently waiting for some attention.

Every year I buy six hanging planters, three for the front of the house and three for the back. I space buying them out so my wallet doesn't complain too much and by last Friday I had four, with plans to complete the numbers on Monday. These plans changed in the most delightful way. My doorbell rang on Friday and a wonderful lady, who is a customer of Rod's and a fellow hockey mom from the past as well as breast cancer survivor, was at the door with two of the most beautiful hanging planters I have seen. I'm sure my jaw dropped, it was so totally unexpected. These two baskets are now proudly displayed at the front of my house on either side of the garage and I am once again humbled at the kindness of people.

Last post I mentioned the back pain I am having. I received a phone call on Monday a.m. informing me that I had a bone scan booked for May 27th. My back had been giving me a fair amount of discomfort on the weekend and the 27th seemed like a long time away with Kenny's graduation before then as well as a planned trip to Fairmont for a weekend retreat with a good friend after the grad. I really want to be able to enjoy both as comfortably as possible and I want to get digging in the garden. I prayed about it and I was considering calling my oncologist and asking if I could have some painkillers and a med for nausea on hand to tide me over until then. That afternoon my oncologist instead called me, just before I went out for a meeting at work. She asked about the pain and how I was doing and then told me that she was going to get the bone scan moved up for me and thought she would like to add an abdominal ultrasound. I was fine with that and very happy that she had called, it is reassuring to feel that my concerns were taken seriously and are being addressed.

Yesterday a.m. I got another call telling me that the ultrasound was for today and the bone scan is booked for tomorrow. I told the scheduler that she was good and she admitted that she had done some sweet talking. I posted before about the  'scan-xiety' that seems to occur when tests like these come up. I thought I was doing pretty good this afternoon but the ultrasound took an hour and then the tech came back into the room after talking to the radiologist and re-imaged an area. How wonderful then for the radiologist to send a message back in with the tech that there were no significant changes from my last ultrasound. I drove home a happy but hungry woman. The hunger is taken care of, so I am now just happy ;).

Take care everyone.

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