Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Almost Done

Well, I am almost done chemo 5! I am sitting here with the last of the Herceptin infusing which will be followed by half an hour of observation and I am almost done the 'big' chemo, with only one more to go before I am on Herceptin only every three weeks until August. Rod is sitting beside me totally engrossed in the new John Grisham novel called 'The Racketeer' that I found at Costco this morning. I looked through the Pinterest site at the beginning of chemo but needed a break from that after a bit so here I am.

This morning I spent a fair amount of time on the phone but it was profitable. I arranged for my next Neulasta shot to be ordered and available for me for Friday. I talked to the manager at the lodge my Mom is slated to go to and a few more details are taken care of there. I also talked to a social worker from the hospital and explained some of the concerns regarding finances. I attempted to talk to the social worker at the new lodge but she was sick today so hopefully she will be better tomorrow. The unit called me about noon and told me they were under quarantine for Norovirus. The doctor did not want me to come and visit Mom this afternoon as I had planned. She is well but they are just taking precautions. The other precaution is that they are not allowed to transfer anyone out or in to the unit until the quarantine is lifted. That means that Mom won't be going to the lodge tomorrow. She will now have more time to get used to the idea and we have more time to prepare and acquire what we need for her, including a hospital bed. No furniture is provided in the room at this lodge whereas in the previous lodge she was provided with a dresser and bed. The extra time we now have is a real answer to prayer.
That's about it for now, I do appreciate everyone's prayers and support, I truly believe that it is making a wonderful difference in how I am tolerating this whole experience - thank you.

Take care :)

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