Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And miles to go ...

As chemo continues, I am finding that the cumulative effects are taking a bit of a toll on my energy supply and this can be a little discouraging when I look at all that I want to accomplish yet this week, prior to another chemo session next Tuesday.

Yesterday, I ran some errands and then went to see my mother in the morning. Together we managed to get some more details taken care of in regards to her move away from the lodge. Following my visit with her, I drove to the lodge and completed the final walk-through of her room with the assistant manager. As I was standing at the reception desk, I felt a hug from behind and turned to find Jane. Jane is very resourceful, a good person to give a task to that might seem daunting to others. On Tuesday, Jane was on a mission to find a fairly large number of slippers at a reasonable price to be given to and used by the participants in a married couples weekend. The facility they are using this coming weekend does not allow outside footwear to be worn inside. Jane had remembered my mother telling her of the ladies knitting group at the lodge and Jane was there to check to see if this group could be a possible source for the slippers. We walked out together, me with a small bag and Jane carrying the large bag that had my Mom's bedspreads and blanket in it, the last of the belongings from the room for me to move. As I opened the back of my car for Jane to place the bag in, I felt a need to explain the various items I had accummulated that morning on my errands, explaining that some items were due to the grandchildren coming this weekend, some were supplies required for some homemade Christmas gifts and a couple were just items that would hopefully meet some needs that I had identified in the last week or so. Jane smiled and made a remark about the busyness of week 3, she is coming to know my chemo routine well.

This morning found me at work for a couple of meetings. Once again, it was so nice to see everyone and to be treated as a member of a business team, not a patient. Following the meetings, I made a trip to get my car washed before it snowed again and stopped at a Superstore to see if they had some items I still hadn't been able to locate for my Christmas giving. As I walked the aisles, I could feel the weariness creeping up on me and was happy to pay for my purchases and contemplate home and my recliner. In the parking lot I thought I was making good progress on my way to my car, but a truck behind me didn't seem to think I was moving fast enough or in the right direction and honked, pulling around me and gunning it's motor as it passed, as if to reinforce it's irritation. Some part of me wanted to whip my wig off just to remind the occupant that all is not always as it seems and patience can be a virtue. I resisted the urge.

As I said at the beginning of my post, I was feeling a little discouraged as this evening waxed on and my energy continued to wane. How wonderful then to receive not one, but three encouraging messages from others, all within a half hour, managing to change my discouraged frown into a big smile. Once again, God is good.

Jane posted a video to Facebook today that I am adding a link for here, it might help to explain why my energy levels are being depleted without much to show for them. I hope it brings a smile. Thanks, Jane.

Take care everyone.


  1. Hang in there. You don't have to do it all at once. Rome wasn't built in a day...but then you weren't in charge...

  2. That made me laugh ... And Rod shuddered ;)
