Friday, November 30, 2012

The Good and the Bad

I'm not sure if the title I chose today is the best one but I can't seem to come up with another one so I'll try it out and see.

Yesterday the lunch that I had booked needed to be cancelled as the friend I was to meet had a car accident. It snowed yesterday morning and as she was waiting at a stoplight her car was rear ended. Fortunately, she said she was feeling OK following the accident but there were details to take care of.

The coffee date was lovely. I met a lady I had heard of through a friend, we were diagnosed close to the same time and we have been following each other's progress since. Through Facebook we had 'friended' each other and sent some messages back and forth but this was our first meeting. Our mutual friend was to join us but she was delayed. As I was walked into Starbucks it seems I was recognized right away, hopefully not because my wig was so obvious or possibly not sitting right ;). I was greeted with homemade muffins, jelly and coffee - I can see why my friend thinks so highly of this lady. Coffee lasted almost two hours with our friend joining us about thirty minutes into it, a very nice time. Today I am celebrating with this lady as she had her final radiation and her treatment is now complete.

When I arrived home I responded to a phone message from my cousin and was sorry to hear that my uncle had passed away on Tuesday. This was my mother's brother and before her hospitalization they had lived in the same lodge, he would go to her room and escort her to her meals each day. I let my Mom know this morning, hard for her.

I had a good talk this a.m. with my Saskatchewan chemo buddy as I had heard she had some complications last weekend. She was hospitalized for four days with an infection and is now home and doing better. In spite of everything she had been through and how scary it all was for her she was describing her wonderful view and her spacious hospital room to me. Quite a lady!

My lunch today was with a friend I met through the autism association I have been involved with, she is a warm and caring person and does great work in supporting families and people on the autism spectrum. The restaurant officially closed at three, we were told we could stay and continue to talk if we liked but I think when they started vacuuming it was their cue for us to wrap things up ;).

At home I once again was called by my Mom's lodge, they haven't missed a day since she moved in ;). When we were told of her impending move to this lodge we realized that we would need to obtain a bed for Mom. The previous lodge had supplied one so she had given away the beds that had been in her home at the time of that move. The manager of the new lodge seemed understanding about this and said they could temporarily supply a bed. Call me naive but I never thought to ask if  there was a charge for the bed, nor had anyone told me about a charge when the bed was offered. We had already arranged to pick up a bed and have it out to Mom's room by end of day tomorrow but the business manager had been to see my Mom to tell her about the rather significant charge and the fact that tomorrow was a new month precipitating a charge for next month also.  My Mom's distress at this was what prompted her phone call to me. Poor Mom, this wasn't something she needed to be presented with, especially today. I'm afraid my reaction to the news was probably not what the business manager had been expecting either.

Hopefully we'll get things straightened out next week, meanwhile I am getting lots of opportunity to look for the hidden treasure every day and it is always there. Besides yesterday's coffee and today's lunch, the mail also brought a card and a Starbuck's gift card from one of my favorite co-workers from my Day Surgery days. She had lots of good things happening in her life to share, not the least of which is a second grandchild, a 7 month old boy. Her other offering was hope as she is a cancer survivor herself.

God is good.

Take care.

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