Monday, December 3, 2012

A Good Day

Today was my lab work and oncologist appointment pre-chemo number 6.

Over the last couple of days here we have had quite a bit of snow. As I drove down the boulevard and along the drive by the provincial park we live by God was showing off for me again. The view was spectacular! The sun was shining, the sky was blue and all the trees (deciduous and coniferous) as well as the grass areas looked like they had been sprinkled with a very generous amount of pure white icing sugar.

I prayed ahead of getting there that I would find a parking spot fairly close to the Cancer Centre, my energy isn't quite what it used to be and I find I get short of breath easier when walking. As I was driving through the parking lot by an ideal parking spot the people in the car occupying it got into their car and pulled out, leaving the spot for me to claim.

It was very busy in the lab area when I got there with my requisition. A lady moved her things to provide me with one of the few seats and just as I sat down a volunteer came by with her cart and served me tea and cookies. This made the wait quite pleasant, my tea was done by the time my number was called.

I called the hospital my Mom is in a couple of times during my time at the Cancer Centre. Mom was taken for her surgery late morning and had not returned from the Recovery Room by the time I was done my appointment, given the blessing to proceed with my chemo tomorrow and had my prescriptions filled. It was now mid-afternoon so I decided that I would go make the Costco trip today so I would be more available tomorrow morning to go and see Mom.

Once again at Costco, someone was leaving a very nicely situated parking spot just as I was looking for one :). Things went quite smoothly in the store and I managed to make it out right before rush hour traffic. I phoned Mom's unit one more time, she had just arrived back on the unit and it sounded quite busy.

Nice to know she has had the surgery and now the process or recovery/rehabilitation begins.

At my oncologist appointment today we discussed the Herceptin infusions I will have every three weeks until August 2013. Thursdays and Fridays are the days I was offered for these infusions. Due to the fact that there can tend to be stat holidays on Fridays and I would like the infusions to continue on time and get them over with without being postponed, I chose Thursdays. I will not require premeds for these infusions which is great, I'm not liking the steroids much. Having them on Thursdays also means that any side effects should be dealt with and over during the weekend, making it easier for me  work-wise. I also received a prescription for Tamoxifen, which she suggested I wait until after Christmas to start, in case I experienced any initial side effects. I will have the first solo Herceptin infusion on January 3rd and then I will be sent for another MUGA scan followed by an appointment with the oncologist on January 14th. If lab work and scan results are good at that appointment then I won't need an oncologist appointment for three months. Light at the end of the tunnel.

All in all a good day.

Take care everyone.

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