Monday, December 10, 2012

Not So Amazing

I have come a long way from when I was told 'it's OK to not be amazing some of the time'.  I spent most of last weekend barely moving let alone being amazing.

I'm not sure how much was psychological and how much was due to side effects from the chemo, it probably doesn't matter. The joint and muscle discomfort and the fatigue combined with the cold weather to make staying inside and being quiet seem very appealing. I find that I was also overwhelmed with everything that I needed to do in regards to Mom, my course and other things. It seemed that I needed to first do nothing before I could do something. After spending most of two days doing nothing on Saturday and Sunday, I was able to sit down on Sunday evening and list what needed to be done in the next two weeks. That felt good. I made sure that none of the plans for any one day were overly ambitious - one outing a day, rest periods built in, household tasks divided as evenly as possible between the days, the seasonal and other things that required doing also spaced out according to deadlines.

Today I started tackling my list. So far I have been able to cross off most of the things I had down for today with the exception of working on my online course. I have four assignments and some reading I need to do sooner than later. I need to stop procrastinating but I'm finding it hard to concentrate at this point in my day.

Is it really procrastinating if I decide to wait until tomorrow morning when my brain will be fresher?

Probably ;)

Best get at it, chemo brain is no excuse.

Take care, everyone. 

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