Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quiet Day

Today was a day to rest up, tidy up and unpack.

I tend to use a timer to help motivate myself when I have chores to do, this morning I set the timer for one hour and by the half hour mark I was huffing, puffing, aching and realizing I had been overly ambitious. I scaled back somewhat and Rod pitched in somewhat and all that needed to get done was accomplished. I am glad that Costco was not in the plans for today. My hemoglobin level must have taken a bit of a beating with the last chemo.

Just about the time I was realizing I had been overly ambitious a representative from the insurance company that supplies my long term disability called to determine if I was still on track for my return to work. She asked if I was feeling energized and refreshed now that my chemo was complete. I could very honestly tell her that no, I wasn't quite there yet.

This afternoon I had planned an outing to the rehabilitation center where my mother was transferred but received a phone call late morning to inform me that she seems to have picked up a flu bug or virus and has been placed in isolation in a private room. They asked that I not come in to visit due to this. I am hoping that it is not a recurrence of the C. Diff that she has had a couple of times earlier this year.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to meeting a few ladies for lunch, it will be great to catch up with them as it has been awhile. I'm sure there will be pictures of grandchildren and possibly a brand new grandchild to celebrate (due date is January 5th). Can't wait, but better get started on that beauty sleep sooner than later tonight, I really need it.

Take care, everyone.

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