Sunday, December 2, 2012

Faith to be Strong

Yesterday Rod and I picked up the bed for Mom and took it out to her along with a few more of her things. Rod set it up and made sure the brakes were locked and that Mom was able to use the remote to get the head up and down before we made our way home.

Kenny had a hockey game at 7 p.m. I was feeling quite tired as we had also attended a housewarming a couple from our church held during the day so I stayed home. While at the housewarming we enjoyed visiting and I was fortunate to be able to put a sweet baby to sleep and then hold him for the duration of the time we were there. Grandma was definitely missing her grandchildren ;).

While Rod and Kenny were out I received a call from the lodge telling me that Mom had fallen in her room on the way back from the washroom and injured her right hip. They wanted me to come out and take her to emergency for an x-ray. I told them I wouldn't be able to do this.  I had two reasons - I didn't feel I would be able to help her in and out of the car and wheelchairs if it was just me and I have been warned not to expose myself to the germs in a busy emergency while immunosuppressed. I asked if they could send her via ambulance and they agreed to do this.

When Rod arrived home I updated him on what was happening. We kept in touch with the nurses in Emergency during the night and found out about 2 a.m. that Mom's right hip was fractured. She is now waiting for surgery while admitted to an ortho floor.

I drove out to the lodge this a.m. to let them know and collect some of the things she will need while in the hospital. Rod went to see Mom while she was still in the Emergency department and then went on to church.

There is a song I listen to when I need strength. I listened to it the night before and morning of my surgery, before my first chemo and again this morning. It is called 'Faith to be Strong' by Andrew Peterson.

Here is the link -'

Take care everyone.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear this latest development with your poor Mother. She has been having quite a time of it ... one problem after another. I will pray for her (and for you) as you deal with yet another setback.
    ~ Denise in Saskatchewan
