Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Special Day

The previous two evenings I completed more reading and submitted two more assignments for my course. More bites out of that elephant! I am very thankful for google, it came in quite handy with the last assignment when I needed to know how to make a Pareto Diagram in Excel. Yes, I googled ;)

I am definitely experiencing the peripheral neuropathy side effect of the chemo this time around. The ends of my fingers and my toes feel like they had frostbite and the circulation is just returning. Not a fun feeling. I'm not sure if I usually hit my toes on things as often as I seem to be doing in the last few days and just never notice it or if because of the numbness I am not judging their distance from things properly right now but they are taking a bit of a beating and it isn't helping. Anyway, I was out for a bit this a.m. but found walking around wasn't a lot of fun and was glad to get home and take my shoes off.

I had two events this evening that I was planning on getting to so I knew that I would need to rest up beforehand. I made my dish for the Autism association's Christmas celebration and put it in the slow cooker, then I took my candy for the Gingerbread decorating party and put it in the car. Once done, I settled in the recliner for my 'long winter's nap'. Kenny came home and roused me with the announcement that he had been amazing in his presentation at school this afternoon. I wish he wasn't so humble ;)

I did make it to the Autism Christmas celebration and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There was a good selection of hot and cold food as well as desserts. There were several new people that have begun attending the Asperger's group and I was able to meet and talk to them. I was also very happy to see and visit with the regulars I have gotten to know and appreciate over the past couple of years. I received very special gifts of home made soap, Nanking Cherry jam and Christmas tea. I realized it was probably time for me to get going when I was having trouble standing and balancing on my feet but every time I started to make the effort to go someone else would come in or come up and I would be drawn into another conversation. I did finally get away, but not without many wonderful hugs, not really the norm in this type of setting which makes them that much more special.

If anyone is interested in seeing a movie that portrays a man who has Asperger's I would highly recommend the movie "My Name is Khan". I watched it last weekend on Netflix. The time period the story takes place over is pre and post 911 and the protagonist is Muslim. The movie shows the wonderful strengths of a person with Asperger's and how they can be used to bless others as well as the significant sensory issues that can also go along with Asperger's. 

I did not make it to the gingerbread decorating party. I just know that there are gingerbread houses and cookies out there now that are lacking the candies that I did not arrive with and that makes me sad but I also knew as I was driving away from the Autism association that I was no longer up to a trip from there to the another quadrant of the city and then all the way back over to my side of the city again.

I came home to hear Rod congratulating Kenny on his 'awesome presentation' at school today. More humility on Kenny's part, I'm guessing.

Perfect end to a very special day. :)

Take care everyone.

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