Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good Article

Today's post will be short.

This link was posted on the forum I belong to and I found that there was some good advice given. The author is a 28 year old man diagnosed with leukemia when he was 27. He shares some of the things he has learned since, but wished he had been told when he was given a cancer diagnosis. Here is the link, it can also be accessed to the right of my blog in the favorite links section -

Tomorrow I will be participating in a new study called the AMBER study, it sounded very interesting when they called and asked if I would help them out. The day will start early, I need to be at the university by 0720; there are some benefits to not having to fuss with your hair in the morning, means more sleep time before I have to head out ;) I'll give an update about the study tomorrow.

Take care

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