Saturday, September 8, 2012

Odds, Ends and Observations

Yesterday was a bit of a slower paced day, but I am learning to take it in stride and not fight it (this time anyway ;)

During the evening Rod and I went on another walk which, for me, was fairly quickly followed by turning in for the night. I slept another of the 12 hour sleeps that may become common-place for day 4/5 chemo weeks and had some weird dreams mixed in with the sleep, this time of having to show identification to get in and out of people's houses and people not believing I was the same person as the photo on my passport. Must be related to the big changes in my appearance that have been occurring since the start up of chemo.

Rod made me laugh this morning when he said that he had a sudden realization during the night that an intruder might get quite a shock coming into our bedroom. With my bald head and wide assortment of pillows and props for getting comfortable (inclusive of a neon pink sleepmask) and his receding hairline showing above his sleep apnea mask, connecting via a long tube to the machine that makes it all work the unsuspecting intruder might well think they had entered another dimension, or that an alien invasion had taken place!

As I got ready for the day this a.m., I noticed that I was a little shaky and that I seem to require a similar amount of rest as time required to perform an activity, making me anticipate that this will need to be another non-ambitious day for me. As I looked in the mirror, I think I was beginning to see the signs of the steroids in a bit of a moon face. I also find it oddly amusing that if I need to pluck a stray eyebrow it is a simple matter of pulling it gently out with my fingers and that the grey hairs on my head seem to be more stubborn (younger?) than the dark ones in releasing. Some of them are remaining, sticking up in odd places, remniscent of an ostrich head, not the most becoming image overall but nonetheless a humorous one.

 I was very pleasantly surprised to receive not one but two beautiful floral arrangements within the last two days, they appear to have been made to complement each other, unbeknownst by the senders. One is from my husband's accountant and his wife and one is from my son Caleb's good friend and his wife. Having them on display makes spending time in my trusty recliner something to anticipate.

 You'll notice there is some laundry in the background of the picture, I am telling myself this is OK, while I haven't gotten to putting it away, it is folded ;)

1 comment:

  1. Caught up on your blog. You are doing very well to even think about laundry, never mind worrying about putting it away.
