Sunday, September 23, 2012

Further Confessions of a bald-headed lady

This weekend my relationships with three wonderful gentlemen were taken to new levels.

It started with Norman. Norman and I first met through his expertise in the autism field. He is the psychologist who has created the tools and started the workshops for young adults with Asperger's and High Functioning Autism. I would never have won the award last week for Leadership in the Autism Community had it not been for his work in this field, which he is passionate about and for which I now share a passion. Over the years that I have known Norman he has become a very good friend to both Rod and myself. I hadn't seen him for a few months until yesterday morning, he was at Rod's shop and just about to go on a test drive of a car with Rod. I have never hugged Norman before, but as I drove up it was so good to see him it just seemed the natural thing to greet each other with. My only fear following this encounter was that as Rod and Norman proceeded to spend the better part of the afternoon together the chili and chocolate cookies I had provided for Norman and family would not be edible after spending several hours in the car. I'm not sure why I didn't anticipate this given past experience in talking with him. Next time, I'll remember to pack any perishables provided well with ice. Sorry, Norman :(.

The second gentleman was Keiran. He has always been a very appreciative audience for my singing but last evening the tables were turned. I received a phone call from him. After greeting me he proceeded, with great pride, to serenade me with not one but two songs. The first was the ABC song which he sang in very good tune all the way through. This was followed by the song that he was going to sing at church this morning, The B-I-B-L-E. Once again, it was very recognizable and sung with great enthusiasm. I agreed with him that he now seems smart enough to go to school with Lilly, although I think they may require him to wait a few years anyway. By the way, he is also smart enough to know that if he pushes 're-dial' on the phone he can talk to the last person called. It was good to talk to you once again this morning, Keiran ;).

It seemed natural that, after the day I was having, Charlie and I should sleep together, which is exactly what happened. Charlie was a gentleman and waited patiently beside the bed until I invited him to join me. At that point he agilely (for a dog with three legs) jumped up onto the bed and snuggled in beside me, placing his paws on my hand as if we were holding hands and tucking his snout firmly under my arm. He was gentleman enough not to snore once,  however he was a little on the smelly side after the busy day he had. I kept that information to myself though, being the lady I was brought up to be ;)

Tomorrow will be another busy day starting with labwork at 0730 and an oncologist appointment following to see if I am once again OK'd to proceed with chemo number three on Tuesday. I have a physio appointment in the afternoon and I will need to squeeze in another visit to Costco afterwards as Tuesday's chemo is early this time. Good thing Charlie and I spent the majority of the morning resting together in the recliner, I think I needed that, even though he had to convince me this was the case ;).

Take care, everyone.

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