Monday, September 3, 2012

Ready ... or not

Right now my house smells heavenly!

Jane gave me a wonderful Slow Cooker Apple Butter recipe today after I asked her for it during an amazing brunch yesterday (more on brunch later). The recipe inspired me to go out and pick a bowlful of ripe apples this afternoon, then peel and quarter them. They are now simmering away in the slow cooker, the cinnamon, cloves and allspice enhancing the aroma. They will simmer all night for 12 hours before the next step in the recipe. I can think of all sorts of food to go with the apple butter, for some reason oatmeal is at the front of the line. Maybe a good pre-chemo breakfast?

In addition to the apple butter aroma, Rod just finished making us the yummiest omelettes with sautéed sweet red paper, chopped spinach, bacon and mushrooms incorporated into them.  I have Scentsy Sunkissed Citrus (from Deanna) in the warmer beside me as I write, helping me to relax and enjoy the evening.

I took Rod out to the Saskatoon Farm again on Saturday for brunch, which was thoroughly enjoyed. Rod chose Mexican with a chimichanga and I went with the belgian waffle, whipped cream and saskatoon berry sauce (the menu assured me it was non-fattening - they wouldn't lie, would they?)

Sunday found us brunching again, this time with Kelvin and Jane and Brian. We made several attempts before we found this little cafe called 'Big Fish', but we were sure glad that we ended up there. Everything on the menu looked so good, it was hard to make up my mind as to what I was going to have. I don't think it would have mattered, the food was incredible. We all chose differently and none of us was disappointed.

I was very stiff and sore all weekend from my testing on Thursday, in retrospect I do think I overdid it but I didn't want them to think I was a wimp. I continue to pay for that, but still managed to get in some good walks. My right arm is very sore from the presses, no swelling but tight so I am using heat on it and stretching. The testing is supposed to occur pre-op, I think I will give them some input on modifications to use in the future if they decide to test anyone else postop and post initial chemo.

Tomorrow morning I will go and get my bloodwork done. I am hoping that I managed to up my neutrophil count, I want chemo treatment 2 over and done sooner than later. I have my premeds ready and this time I also have Gravol for post chemo, I will take it proactively right before we head home. When I asked if I could use Gravol post chemo at my Friday appointment, the same nurse that suggested my nausea was due to anxiety told me that she didn't recommend it as it would make me sleepy. Hmmm! Nausea vs. sleepy - I think I will choose sleepy for a day or two, given that Dexamethasone is supposed to cause sleep problems.

I will do the Costco grocery shop on the way home from the bloodwork and get that taken care of, then I will plan to be back at 3:30 for the chemo. Judging from last time and when nausea set in at five hours post chemo, it reinforces that sleeping vs. nausea is the way to go!

Wish me luck!


  1. Hi Laura,
    I'm surprised your onc didn't order you a PRN....could he have forgotten? I've got the same TX and couldn't do without the Stemitil.I've been taking 10mg-q6h from post infusion until (approx)AM of day 4. You sure are right about the nausea 5hrs post infusion...ALL THE BEST Penny

  2. Hi Penny
    My MO did order a prn for me last time - metochopramide (maxeran) but it didn't work that well. Gravol has always worked better for me postop so asked it I could use it instead. Starting to feel headache but no nausea so far.
