Tuesday, July 31, 2012


If I wasn't already, as of today, I am a firm believer in angels!
The angels that ministered to me today were of both the two-legged and the four-legged variety.
My first angel was the pharmicist that I took my prescriptions to for meds to counteract the side-effects of the chemotherapy. They are to be taken the day of chemo and then for a couple of days post chemo. This young man was excellent; so professional and kind in the service he provided me.
The next angel was a lady in the line at Costco. Another confession is coming. One of our favorite cheat day snacks is a type of licorice that we first saw at Costco. It is australian black licorice and, if you like black licorice, it is to die for :) Unfortunately, the Costco in our end of town has stopped carrying it so if I want to 'secure a supply' I need to go to a Costco at the other side of the city. I stopped specially today on my way to get my hair cut and nabbed four packages of the decadent treat. Lineups were long but a wonderful 'angel' spied me and told me that I was very welcome to go in front of her. Her intervention meant that I was able to make my hair appointment on time and I didn't have to put back my licorice supply to accomplish it.
I've described my hairdresser in previous posts. She is an absolute angel, I have thought so from the very first time I was lucky enough to go to see her. At the end of that appointment she hugged me and I have loved her since. Andrea loves dogs and since my last appointment she has acquired another one. At that appointment she had mentioned she was considering another one and at this one I got to meet 12 week old Lola, a labra-poodle with a beautiful chocolate brown coat and feet just a little too big for her at the moment. In addition to Lola, the other girls are Nellie (I believe a bull terrier, not quite sure), Molly, a beautiful black labrador and Coco, the diva of the bunch, a pretty little pomeranian. Andrea tries to tell me that I seem to be one of the dogs favorite customers. At my last appointment, Nellie licked my toes, Molly licked my hand and Coco sat on my lap throughout. Andrea had sprayed some Febreze in the air and was playing beautiful relaxing spa music. I asked if I was going to be charged extra for the aromatherapy, spa atmosphere and pet therapy.
Today the only difference was the addition of Lola, who is very energetic at this young age. Coco sat on my lap and even turned her nose up at a treat in preference for staying there. Molly stationed herself on the floor by my side, ever watchful over me. This is a first for Molly, but it seemed that she felt she needed to stay close by this time and her presence there was very reassuring. Andrea again outdid herself with the cut and has agreed to take on the next cropped cut on August 28th. I'm going to request the 'full treatment' again ;)
Following my hair appointment I went over to my mother's lodge to get her laundry and clean/disinfect her room. I needed to do this before I go on vacation and then start chemo. Following chemo I will be immuno-suppressed and don't want to put myself in situations where I might contract an infection.
Another confession - I was laying in bed this morning wondering if I could procrastinate just a little bit longer on this task but knowing in my heart that the answer was a firm no. The last, but definitely not least angels of the day were in the form of my friends Ev and Jane. Not only did they come to help, they actually looked happy to be there! As you can imagine, the three of us were able to make quick work of Mom's room, there were times we even overlapped a little and some things were disinfected twice, for good measure ;)
As we left the room I gave them each a hug and they had the grace not to mention that the hug was firmer on one side than the other, but I couldn't resist commenting on the fact. The elevator ride from the fourth floor to the main floor had the three of us laughing. It is a fairly large elevator and we already had a few ladies with walkers riding with us. As we reached the third floor a lady with a motorized scooter was determined to get on and she made it happen, followed in the brink of time by a little oriental woman with her walker. Ev, Jane and I were pushed far to the back of the elevator, wondering if we were ever going to make it out again. Scooter lady and another walker lady behind her appeared to have an ongoing mutual dislike of each other which became more apparent as we all tried to exit the elevator. Somehow the scooter and the walker had managed to entangle themselves a little, which outraged 'walker lady'. We did eventually all make it off the elevator and I have decided that when I end up in a lodge, I want Ev and Jane there with me to ride the elevators with; they appear very dangerous to attempt solo.

Take care

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