Friday, July 27, 2012

Long Day

This has been a long day and it is good to be home. This post is a little late but my priority when I got home finally was eating, not writing.
There are some days where things just don't go as smoothly as they do on my calendar when I make my plans. Originally, my plans for today were to meet my co-workers for lunch. After Wednesday's meeting with the oncologist, I ended up with a test booked for this a.m. at 11:15. I was told the test would take 30 minutes, so this still seemed to work out. I added the test to my calendar and fasted according to the instructions given by the Cancer Center (turns out the radiology clinic told me I could have had clear fluids, which may have helped). I also had my appointment with the GP specializing in oncology on my calendar for 3:00 p.m.
It looked like an OK type of day - on paper.
I did a little housework prior to the test, then planned to arrive slightly early, just in case they were able to accommodate me a little earlier (in my mind this would facilitate the lunch I was so looking forward to with my co-workers).
I checked in at 11:00 and they called me back right on time at 11:15. I changed and then waited, I'm afraid not very patiently. At 11:40 they took me into the room and then started the abdominal ultrasound. The reason for the ultrasound was that my CT scan was reviewed again and they said there was a spot they wanted to check out on the spleen. The tech did the full abdominal ultrasound and I got very good at holding my breath over and over again while she went over every inch of my abdominal organs in minute detail. At 12:20 she seemed satisfied and told me she was going to go talk to the radiologist. When she came back she wanted more pictures of the spleen, this time I got to turn on my side so I could see the monitor. I'm really not sure how they know what they are looking at but I held my breath again whenever she asked and watched her take more pictures and mark them. After about 10 minutes she went out again and then came back and said the radiologist had what he needed and I was free to go.
I had been in contact with my co-workers while the tech spoke to the radiologist. By the time I was done and changed it was almost one so they suggested I just come over to the office building and visit with them there.
When I arrived Robin was waiting for me in the lobby and I received a very much needed hug, then we walked to the elevators and chatted about the ultrasound as we made our way to the third floor.
Once on the third floor there was lots of visiting to do; I was very pleased to be included in lots of work conversation, it made me feel so good to be back in this familiar environment! They also had goodies and I was very hungry by then. I 'stole' a slice of watermelon, and two delicious dessert items (more cheating on my husband to confess ;)
I didn't want to leave but knew that I had my next appointment across the city so made my way over there.
I was still hungry and also thirsty. I thought maybe there would be a store in the building where the doctor's office was, but once there I couldn't find anything so I made my way to the office and checked in.
I am getting very good at filling out forms and I am sure that I will soon have all my health care and pertinent numbers memorized. Once done with that part of the process, I waited. And waited. Stomach growling, mouth drying out from thirst. Thinking better of not having stopped somewhere along the way and getting something.
At 3:50 I was finally called in to see the doctor.
She was wonderful and more than made up for the wait. So far she has been the one medical person who seemed to have time and took that time to see how I was really doing and to explain and answer any questions I had. She seemed to genuinely want to know what I was feeling, what was concerning me and just talking through everything, and I do mean everything.
We talked about the ultrasound. She confirmed for me that they don't biopsy spleens and if something did show up, they would basically treat it as a baseline; go ahead with all the treatment as planned and then perform the tests again, possibly during treatment and then after, using the baseline views to compare new results against. This was reassuring to me.
We discussed my concerns about the port prior to vacation. I am feeling much better about it now.
We also discussed hair. She highly advised controlling what I could and planning to shave my head at about two weeks post initial chemo. I will plan to do this, making sure I have some scarves, turbans and hopefully a wig that doesn't make me look like I am a drag queen at the ready.
I forgot all about my stomach and thirst while we talked; we arranged some follow-up appointments on the week three of the chemo cycles and she told me she was going to call me on August 20th just to check in on me also.
Did I say already that the visit with her was worth the wait?
Left her office after 5:00 and then the fatigue, thirst and hunger hit as I drove home.
I am now happily reclining, thirst quenched, stomach full and watching a re-run of the Olympic Opening ceremonies from earlier today.
Looks like a good evening ahead.

Take care.

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