Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goal to work towards

The days are settling into a very comfortable pattern for me. I try to intersperse periods of activity with times of rest, gradually increasing the times of activity. I am not feeling completely useless around the house anymore as I am able  to empty the dishwasher, wipe down counters, dust and do light laundry and cooking. 'Robby' continues to be worth his weight in gold in keeping up with the vacuuming on the main floor, 'gotta love him'.
My good friend who provided me with my 'special bracelet' called last evening to let me know that my co-workers are organizing a team to run/walk in the local CIBC Run for the Cure which is being held on September 30th, 2012. She asked if I would like to join them. I am touched and I will most definitely do everything within my power to be there, I will aim for the 5 km but I will not be disappointed if a 1 km walk is all I accomplish. When I go on my daily walks I will now have a goal to work towards. My son Caleb has also told me that he has a team of about a dozen friends who will be running for me, my job now will be to recruit my other family members into one or the other of the two teams. How wonderful, so looking forward to this!
Some sad news arrived yesterday also. A very good friend called me from Saskatchewan with the news that she had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on Monday of this week and is now waiting for results. We talked for quite a while, she had her routine mammogram in late May, it sounds like they think they caught it early and I am glad for her that this is the case. We both expressed that for some strange reason we are more concerned for the other person having to go through this than we are for ourselves and our potential outcomes. I want everything to be OK for her, clean margins and no node involvement. I look forward to hearing good news very soon from her.

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