Saturday, July 7, 2012

One week out

The first week postop really went by so quickly; I am definitely glad to be on this side of the surgery and once again, I am incredibly thankful for and amazed by the restorative/recuperative abilities of the human body.
In addition to everything I was thankful for last week, I am also thankful this week for -
  • My iPad - while it is a 'thing', it allows me to continue to be social via Facebook, Skype and email. I can catch up on my interests in the magazine app I use - Zyte. It makes all my Kindle and iTunes books quickly available to me as well as all my music that I love to listen to. I've also been using Netflix on the iPad to watch an occasional video or show and some of my organizational apps allow me to make lists and mindmap to my heart's content. I'm probably missing some of the functionality I use it for but these alone provide pretty good value if I do say so myself. :)
  • My co-workers, who I lumped in with the friends part of 'family and friends' last week, but probably deserve a separate thanks just so they know I was thinking of them but consider them more than just co-workers; they definitely qualify as friends.
  • Summer fruit!!! Today alone in the guise that they are 'good for healing' I have enjoyed two of the juiciest peaches ever and Rod made an extra special protein shake for me today with half a mango and half an avocado and then some of our usual ingredients like spinach. I still have my eye on the other half of the mango and some kiwi fruit that was brought to us.
  • The cooking abilities of others, we have feasted on some great meals this week; I always told my husband that life would be perfect for me with the addition of a cook and a maid :)
  • Modern conveniences like 'Robbie', dishwashers, washing machines, fans ;) - all making my life here at home a little easier this week.

This afternoon a friend who is a realtor suggested we might like to take a drive in the country and come visit him in a home he was showing for an open house. The asking price is close to $2 million so it was fun to go out and pretend we were in the market, discussing the pros and cons of this house for us. I noticed how my husband tended to go in a room and see it 'all at once' big picture style and I was the one who was looking at all the details, opening all the doors, admiring the light fixtures and all those things that go together to make a room 'work' as a whole - or not. The ensuite in the master bedroom was 'to die for', it would mean no more elbowing each other out of the way to use the sink or look in the mirror in the morning. I teased my husband that I thought the huge master closet might fit all of my shoes and clothes, his things would have to be stored elsewhere though. As we walked out, I winked at our friend and told him we would get back to him once we'd talked and made our decision. 

Take care everyone, enjoy the remainder of the day

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