Friday, July 13, 2012

The lens I am looking through

I had a couple of wonderful visits with good friends over the past two days, tea with 'if in doubt, rub her feet Jane' and a lovely lunch 'provided by Patty' ;).
It seems that there was a theme in much of what we discussed during both visits. The theme seems to be how we look at things in our lives.
I can't say that I have consciously chosen the lens I am currently looking through, but I like the way the prescription fits ;).
I've stated in a previous post that I found it interesting that while waiting for my biopsy results that I was finding so much joy and beauty in everyday things and laughing more spontaneously than ever before. This has continued for the most part since the diagnosis and through the surgical episode.
In an email to me last week Jane spoke about a wedding she had attended recently on a perfect summer day, describing the day like this - 'it was as if God was showing off a little for us'. I liked the description, that is how I am feeling as I look at nature on my walks and as we are driving around, I feel like everything is so much more vibrant and beautiful than I have ever experienced it in the past, I am seeing beauty in parts of nature that I never really noticed it previously.
I am also finding even greater joy in looking at and holding babies and watching children play. I love looking at them and remembering my own boys and thinking of my grandchildren and how much I love them all.
As I was driving one day prior to surgery, a wedding car pulled up beside me and I found myself grinning from ear to ear. Life was still going on for people, there were babies being born and people were getting married and the normality of all of this was so reassuring to me and yet so joy inspiring at the same time.
I'm not quite sure whether I have anything more to say in this post, I wanted to be able to describe my experience and I know that I do not do it justice with my words.
Rod and I are driving out to the west of our city this evening and I am looking forward to more of 'God showing off' as I look at the mountains and all they have to offer.
My wish for all of you this weekend is that you are able to find joy and beauty in this moment now, whereever you may be and whatever 'this moment' is for you at this time in your lives.
Take care.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I just now read your blog posts, and I appreciate you sharing your experiences. I had no idea you were going through this til today. My prayers are with you and your family. I am so thankful we have a loving God to see us through. Praise the Lord! Much Love, Julie Olson Nebraska
