Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Favorite Things

This post was originally going to be titled 'Singing in the Rain' but then I received a wonderful letter in the mail, once again from my grandchildren. On the envelope it stated that the theme for this letter and contents was 'My Favorite Things'. I decided that title would be more appropriate.
My daughter-in-law asked the kids to draw and write (or dictate as the case may be ;) what their favorite thing about me or to do with me was. Since Forrest is only 5 months old, he had a lot of help from his mother but said that he enjoyed dancing with me while I sang to him. Keiran dictated to his mother that he liked me to sing songs to him and more songs(young grandchildren can be such appreciative audiences no matter how bad the singing might be) and also loves when I play with him with my iPad and downstairs in their play area . Lilly tells me that she loves that I love her, that I am her grandma and she loves that I am funny; all written and illustrated by her. Wow!
Once again, what a wonderful and timely reminder to me. When the song 'My Favorite Things' was sung in 'The Sound of Music' it was during a thunderstorm and the children were frightened. Listing their favorite things helped the children to take their minds off of what was frightening them. I'm sure my wise daughter-in-law had a message for me in providing this activity for the children; directing me to focus on the good things that I enjoy rather than on the scary things that frighten me. They are all definitely way up there on the favorite people part of my favorite things list!
Today was a bit of a break from all the appointments before it all starts up again tomorrow.
I had coffee with one of my co-workers, a very nice and relaxed time to catch up on all that has been happening in each other's worlds. I thoroughly enjoyed our visit.
Coffee was followed by a visit to see my Mom at the hospital. She isn't doing as well as I would like, she is still in isolation for the C. Diff and she seems a little confused, possibly partially by the infection and partially by the fact that she has been in isolation so long and so has not had as much interaction with the staff and other patients as she might have otherwise.
When I got home there were a couple of messages for me on the phone regarding appointments. One was the date for my port-a-cath insertion. This will happen on August 2nd so I will have a couple of days to get used to it and allow for healing before we start out on our vacation. I need yet more labwork done three days before the insertion and I will once again get to be 'nothing by mouth' from midnight on that day. (I'm also 'nothing by mouth' tonight before tomorrow's scan, starting to become the 'new norm' for me).
For some reason the port-a-cath is something that scares me a little. How appropriate then that Kenny should bring me the mail at that point with the letters from my grandchildren to remind me of my favorite things. He also had received a flower delivery for me (beautiful)from one of the teams at work that our team has worked with fairly closely. In addition, there were a couple of lovely cards. To cap it all off I was visited by the beautiful lady I call 'my daughter' who kindly calls me Mom in response, even when she has brought her own Mom with her to see me today.
This all reminded me once again of how blessed I am to have so many people around to help keep me focused  on the positive when my mind might want to dwell on the negative.
Thank you all for your support!

Take care

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